SQL Delta is a software used to compare the live database with another database to indicate the changes between one version of the database and another.
There are mainly three types of project comparisions available in SQL Delta.
1) Schema Compare
2) Data Compare
3) Schema View
How to download SQL Delta?
Figure: Installation Process
Figure: License Agreement
Figure: Choose installation folder
Figure: Choose data folder location
Figure: Finish installation
Figure: Installation and configured successfully
How to use?
Open Microsoft SQL Server with proper authentication
Figure: Give proper authentication
Figure: Connected to object explorer
Figure: Create database
Figure: Database created successfully
Figure: Create table in emp database
Figure: Insert records into a table
Figure: Records available in a table
Create another database named sql1 and create a new table named emp1 with two columns named eno and ename.
Insert 5 records in that table
Figure: sql1 database inserted with same records
Now open SQL Delta
Figure: Enter source and target details
Figure: Test connection
Figure: Run
Figure: Schema compare
Figure: Schema View
Figure: Schema details
Figure: Showing Schema details