
                            Thumbnail is a term used for a small image representation of a larger image, usually intented to make it easier and faster to                               look at or manage a group of larger images.

     How to download?

                            Open browser and type https://easy-thumbnails.en.softonic.com/

Figure: Click to download

                            Application file will be downloaded automatically.

     How to install:

Figure: double click to setup ezthumb

Figure: Installation process

Figure: License Agreement

Figure: Setup destination location

Figure: Choose create a desktop icon

Figure: Install

Figure: Setup finish

Figure: Easy Thumbnails Home window

     How to use?

Figure: Before making thumbnail

Figure: After making thumbnail

                             We can make all images as thumbnail images at once by clicking on "Make All"

Figure: Click Make All button to make all the thumbnails

Figure: Number of thumbnails created

Figure: Difference between original and thumbnail image

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