What is Telegram?

A message sent by telegraph and then delivered in written or the printed format.
It is important means of speedy communication. It saves lot of time.

Figure: Telegram card

Rules to write telegram:

  • A telegram must always be written in capitals.
  • No columns in the telegram form should be left unfilled.
  • Different ideas conveyed in a telegram should be clearly shown with fullstop(.) or the word 'STOP' should be written between them.
  • Words used should be clear, precise, direct and specific.
  • All linking words, articles, prepositions and unnecessary details are generally avoided.
  • Salutations are avoided.

Sample Telegram:

Figure: Sample Telegram

Figure: Telegram format

Telegram cost per letter:

Telegrams were charged per word. A short telegram cost a lot less than a long one. If you wanted to send information quantity more then, the cost of your telegram will be more.

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