
Antialiasing is to smoothing of the image caused by aliasing. With images, approaches include adjusting pixel positions or setting pixel intensities so that there is a more gradual transition between the color of a line and the background color.

Let us know about aliasing,

What is aliasing?

Aliasing is a phenomenon that occurs when sampling a continuous function with insufficient resolution.

Figure: Aliased image

What is anti-aliasing?

Antialiasing is the application of techniques that reduce or eliminate aliasing.

Figure: Antialiased image




In a digital image, aliasing manifests itself as a stair case pattern or a rippling effect. Antialiasing manifests closing effects of the image curves.
It doesn't show like real world objects. It shows like real world objects.
It appears as image curve in pixel format. It fills the image curve with the related color.
It shows jaggling effect and disturbs the image. It gives sharpness to the image to view.
Table: Differences between Aliasing and antialiasing


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