Figure: Review Ribbon

 7. Review Ribbon:

           7.1. Proofing:

                7.1.1. Spelling and Grammar Check:

Figure: Spelling and Grammar Check

Figure: Related words in spelling to correct

Figure: erase spelling check

Figure: How to define dictionary

Figure: Sign in to Microsoft account and add dictionaries

Figure: Sign in Step

Figure: Thesaurus of some selected text

Figure: Finding thesaurus of a word

Figure: Word Count

Figure: Word count in the document

           7.2. Language:

Figure: Changing language

Figure: Language Preferences

Figure: Setting Hindi Language to the word

Figure: Hindi is set to default

Figure: Restart Office to set Hindi

Figure: Office changed to Hindi Language

Figure: Translate one language to other

Figure: Translating document to Hindi

Figure: Translated to Hindi


Figure: Inserting a new comment

Figure: Writing a new comment

           7.4. Tracking:

Figure: Track of changes made to this document

Figure: Track changes in a document

           7.5. Changes:

Figure: Accept changes to the document

Figure: Accepting changes to the document

           7.6. Compare:

Figure: Comparing two documents

Figure: Simply comparing two documents

Figure: Select two documents and compare

Figure: Compare and combine two documents

Figure: Combining Original and revised documents

          7.7. Protect:

Figure: Restrict Editing of the document

Figure: Restrict Editing options

Figure: How to start enforce protection

Figure: Protection method to the document

Figure: Document is protected now

Figure: How to stop protection to the document

Figure: Unprotect the document

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