How to Write Program in Cold Fusion:
Variable Declaration:
- ColdFusion is weakly typed language
- It doesn't have any specific data type that a variable holds. Rather, ColdFusion determines the data type of a variable at the time the variable is used.
- A common way to set a variable is with the <cfset> tag.
Ex: <cfset firstname="RameshSPS"> <cfset age=25>
Variable Names:
- Consist of letters, digits, underscores, and dollar signs.
- Cannot begin with a digit.
- Variable Names are case-insensitive.
Conditional Loop:
Sum of digits in a given string:
Replacing the first highest Repeated Character with user given character:
First Non Repeated Character in a given String:
Digit Identification in a given String:
A Program to print the pattern:
Reading data from a file:
Writing Data to the File:
For Adding more than one line information data to the file we can use textarea as
Draw a Rectangle:
Draw a Triangle:
Database Connectivity to MS SQL SERVER:
Before connecting to MS SQL SERVER we need to do some changes as,
Open Adobe Cold Fusion Administrator login and add a data source as,
Now Writing a program to viewing the records in a table from the selected database