
                            Chrome Remote Desktop is an extension of the Google chrome browser. It allows user to see and control the another user                                 desktop remotely.

                            Install Google Chrome Browser and sign in to the chrome account.

     How to add Chrome Remote Desktop to the Google Chrome Browser?

Figure: Click on Apps

Figure: Click on Web Store

Figure: Search in Web Store

Figure: Add Chrome Extension

Figure: Confirmation to add

Figure: Click on Chrome Remote Desktop

                            Do the same procedure in another computer but sign in with different account.

     How to use?

Figure: Click on Get started

Figure: Enable Remote connections

Figure: Enter a new pin

Figure: Remote connection enable message

Figure: Access another computer

                            Do the same procedure at another computer and click on share button.
                            Then you will get access code at another computer.

Figure: Enter Access code to connect

Figure: Connected to another computer

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