Hello World Program:
Variable Initiation:
String initiation:
Data Structures:
There are few built in data structures available in python.
1. Lists
2. Tuples
3. Dicts
4. Strings
5. Sets
6. Frozensets
1. Lists:
2. Tuples:
3. Dicts:
4. Strings:
5. Set:
6. Frozenset:
While Loop:
While else Loop:
For Loop:
For else loop:
Nested while loop:
Control statement: pass
Control statement: continue
Concatenation of two strings:
Count Number of occurrences of a substring in a given string:
Printing Second and fourth line from a file:
Replace a string with user given string in a file:
Graphics output:
Draw a star:
Draw a Rectangle:
Draw a Circle: