RGB Means Red Green Blue. These are colors.
Why the name RGB?
The colors are mainly visible due to the light.
- Without light we can't Identify the color.
Input devices of RGB:
Video cameras, Image scanner and digital cameras.
Output devices of RGB:
Computer, Color TV, Mobile display,Video Projector, LED Display.
Colors representation:
Each color has 8 bits to store as integer from 0 to 255.
Possible colors of RGB:
256*256*256=16,777,216 Colors.
Light is the brightness that lets you see things. Light comes from sources such as the sun, moon, lamps, and fire.
Color Properties:
For Light, the primary colors are
For Printing the primary colors are
For Painting the primary colors are
For Printing the primary colors are
For Painting the primary colors are
Secondary Colors:
Secondary Color is made by mixing two colors.
For light, the secondary colors are cyan, magenta and yellow.
For painting purpose, the secondary colors are purple, orange and green.