How to open Command Prompt?

Figure: Opening command prompt

Figure: Command Prompt

Commands List:

1). System information: 

To get the system information we need to give the command as 'systeminfo'.

Figure: System information

Figure: System information contd., part

2). Windows IP Configuration:

To get the windows IP configuration, we need to give the command as 'ipconfig'.

Figure: Knowing IP Configuration

3). Knowing DNS Server information:

Figure: Knowing DNS Server information

4). Put all files in a dir to a text file:

Figure: Directory list will store to a text file

Now open E:\Ramesh

Figure: filesindirlist.txt file created

Figure: Directory information stored in filesindirlist.txt

If we want to store only text files data in a directory to .txt file then,
Figure: Text files information is storeed

Now open onlytxtfiles.txt
Figure: Text files information

5). Trace an IP Address:

Figure: Trace the Location

Figure: Trace route examples

6). How to find all mac addresses on a LAN Network?

Type arp in command prompt, you will get as
Figure: arp command

Now type arp -a and press enter
Figure: list of computers available on LAN Network

7). Making Directory:

Figure: Making Directory

Now Open E:\ drive and check
Figure: Stones Directory created

8). Change Directory:

Figure: To change directory

9). View Directory List:

Figure: Listing Directories

10). Changing IP Address using Command:

To know my current IP Address
Figure: Knowing ip address of your current system

Now go to network settings and make your connection static, then we can easily change the ip address
Figure: Go to Adapter settings

Figure: Go to properties of ethernet 3

Figure: Click on properties of IPV4

Figure: Giving new static IP address

Now open command prompt and check the ipconfig
Figure: IP Address Changed
Now go to netsh command
Figure: netsh command

Now we need to change IP address in command prompt
Figure: Use command to show ip configuration

Now use interface set command to change the IP Address
Figure: Changing IP Address

Figure: IP Address changed

11). Creating a new notepad file and entering some data:

Figure: Creating a text file

Figure: Data added to the newly created text file

12). To encrypt the data:

Figure: Use cipher command to encrypt or decrypt the data

Now encrypt the data as
Figure: Data encrypted

Now check the file
Figure: File is encrypted

Now to decrypt the file we do as,
Figure: File decrypted

Lets check the file
Figure: Data decrypted in sps.txt

13). Move Command:

Figure: Open Command Prompt

Figure: Ramesh2 Directory created

Figure: Directory List

Figure: Move Command

Figure: Files moved to Ramesh2 Directory

Now check Graphically,

Figure: Ramesh1 Directory

Figure: Ramesh2 Directory

14). Set permissions for a file or folder to read, write and hidden:

Figure: Run command prompt as administrator

Figure: Applying Read only and hidden attributes

Figure: Clearing permissions

Figure: Setting permissions

Now lets check the files and folders attributes
Figure: Read only and hidden permission applied

Figure: Click on change folder and search options

Figure: Click on Show hidden files, folders, and drives

Figure: Hidden files and folders

Now check one .txt file which can't be edited
Figure: Read only permission

Figure: The file can't be edited

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